Friday, August 13, 2010

Wedding Weekend Part 3 - Wedding Day!!

5 years ago I became a Mrs.  Just reminiscing on the good times.

Dad was ready to kill the wedding planner moments before walking me down the aisle.  But he snapped out of it pretty quick and put on a smile (and a joke) for me in giving me away. He told the Pastor he "gladly" gave me away, and the whole room laughed.  Pastor W asked if I had a come back and it took so much effort just to smile...

This is my favorite.  Brian had just said "I can see down your dress"

And our first dance.  I let Brian pick, and he chose Kenney Chesney "Me and You".

Then came the dinner & party.  I'll post the pics, but all you need to know is that we had the best DJ (James Looney), and mom licked the margarita machine dry at the end...

Brenda and Paul to the left, Jamie and Shawn to the right.
Josh & Nicole, Bill & Beverly

Allison, Hailey, Jenn & Cathy

Mom and friends

Barbie & Josh, Aggie War Hymn

James (the DJ), and line dancing!

Hands on your knees! How low can you go!

It's the dance from that movie....  and the chicken dance!

A little swing dancing: my and a cousin, Matt & Becca

and Garrett & I (my other brother from a different mother) and I have no idea what dance we are doing; looks like penguins...

We had so much fun.  Thanks to everyone that came out and partied with us!  Here's to another great 5 years!

1 comment:

  1. The most fun ive had at a wedding hands down (besides my own of course ;-))
