Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Home sweet Home

When we moved out of our last house, our next door neighbor cried.  She told me that her one wish for us is that in our new place we had neighbors that were closer to our age.  It was a really sweet thing for her to say, even though at the time it was odd and uncomfortable and I didn't know how to react.  Our last neighborhood was built in the 80's and most everyone was still original owners.  Even though we all got along it was at times a little hard to connect, seeing as we were both born in the 80's not building our dream home.  Brian and I are used to being the youngest pretty much everywhere we go and everything we do, but we have been blessed in our new home having neighbors that are at least in similar life stages.  We meet more and more neighbors each week, and we have such a great variety.  We again find ourselves being the youngest (so far), but not by much.  How lucky we are to have found not only a great house to call a home, but a great neighborhood to truly bond with. 

I look forward to many more summer days hanging out with our neighbors, many more years enjoying front porch Saturdays, many more 2nd Thursday lady bunko, the uncountable BBQ's and pot lucks, glasses of wine after work, and the smiles at the mailboxes. 

It's good to be home.

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