Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Fridge

So as you all know, we are getting ready to move into our new house, and with it comes lots of new things. One of the harder items for us was the main refrigerator. The beer fridge was easy -- give us the cheapest. But this one took lots of shopping, research and all around hassle. But we landed on an LG French door, and I love it. Water & Ice in the door and each one was their own dispenser - so you don't have to toggle between ice & water with buttons (I never get it right and then get water in my soda when I wanted ice). Plus 2 freezer drawers to keep the bins more organized! We had originally wanted the really big one with automatic opening freezer doors and some other ridiculous features, but for $700 less than that we got both.

I do have to give praise to Best Buy though. First - they really were the best buy on this thing, and we got an additional 10% off for buying more than 1. Plus, the one by Castle Hills has super friendly and helpful associates. I highly recommend it, and Brandon (with curly hair). He has sold us our TV & Blu ray, then mom's TV, Brian's camera and now refrigerators. That store doesn't have commission, so we often interact with 2 or 3 associates and get recommendations for all; Brandon always seems to know the most and always gets us a good deal.

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